If I could spend the day with one person from history it would be John Smyth. John is considered the founder of the Baptist religion. I would ask him about how he thinks the Baptist churches are running today. I would also ask
what he would do to get the Christians to speak up about what we believe in, especially in the government. I would take him to our church so I could get his opinion on how he believes we are sticking the beliefs of Baptist.
Kelsey's Blog!!!
Wednesday, May 1, 2013
Monday, April 1, 2013
Spring Time!!!
Spring is my favorite season! Spring is the best because it is not too hot or too cold! The winter has been sad and cold, and spring brings a fresh breath of air. Spring is the time you get to see all of the magnificently beautiful flowers fluttering and dancing in the breeze.
Thursday, March 28, 2013
I feel prepared for my EOC on Wednesday and Thursday. We have worked hard all year, and I feel that I will pass. Thank you Mrs. Waters for doing your best to prepare us!
Monday, March 18, 2013
Spring Break!!!
The Good- Friday and Saturday of last week I got to compete in the Miss Irish Rose Scholarship Pageant, and I was crowned the 2013 Miss Irish Rose. I was very busy, but I had lots of fun!
The Bad- During spring break we had to move my Grandma Jean into the nursing home. It was very stressful on my parents and grandad.
The Ugly-Last Monday my mom, sister, and I got into an argument. During this argument she left me at the dress store alone, and honestly I did not think she was coming back.
The Bad- During spring break we had to move my Grandma Jean into the nursing home. It was very stressful on my parents and grandad.
The Ugly-Last Monday my mom, sister, and I got into an argument. During this argument she left me at the dress store alone, and honestly I did not think she was coming back.
Thursday, March 7, 2013
I am a very opinionated person, and everyone will probably agree with me. I am a person that will say that is on my mind. I know that this is not always a good thing, especially when I am getting in trouble with my parents. I can not hold my words in, and usually that gets me in trouble. On the other hand being opinionated can be a good thing. When I see that something is wrong, I will say something. This can keep me out of trouble. When people are trying to get me to do something I know I shouldn't I am not scared to say no and tell my opinion on the subject.
Tuesday, February 26, 2013
Stay In School!
If my friend was thinking about dropping out of school, I would try to convince them to stay.
#1 I would tell them that they need a high school diploma to get into college.
#2 Also, people who graduate high school make more money than people who drop out.
#3Since jobs are hard to come by right now, a lot of employers are only hiring people who have at least a high school diploma.
#4 I would also tell them that high school is free, and if they drop out and decide to get their GED that will cost money. It could end up costing a lot of money if they have to take extra classes to prepare for the GED test.
#5 Finally, I would tell them that I do not want them to leave. I would let them know how much I would miss them if we did not get to hang out all the time at school.
#1 I would tell them that they need a high school diploma to get into college.
#2 Also, people who graduate high school make more money than people who drop out.
#3Since jobs are hard to come by right now, a lot of employers are only hiring people who have at least a high school diploma.
#4 I would also tell them that high school is free, and if they drop out and decide to get their GED that will cost money. It could end up costing a lot of money if they have to take extra classes to prepare for the GED test.
#5 Finally, I would tell them that I do not want them to leave. I would let them know how much I would miss them if we did not get to hang out all the time at school.
Thursday, February 21, 2013
My Apology
As the owner of the Carnival Cruise Line I would like to offer my sincere apology about what happened aboard the Triumph. I understand that the passengers aboard the Triumph faced very unfavorable conditions, and as owner I would like to assure everyone that this will never happen again. In the future we do not foresee any troubles occurring on our ships. Another inspection has been added before a Carnival ship leaves port every time to ensure a safe and enjoyable vacation for you and your family. Also, we have added extra supplies in the event that something like this happens again. We are fully prepared in the event of another thing like this happening even though we will try our hardest to make sure it doesn't. Plans are being made to have another place to store waste in case we lose water again. We are giving the passengers of the Triumph $500 cash, a way to get home, hotel rooms, a full refund for their cruise, and a ticket to another Carnival cruise. Again I offer my apology to all those effected.
Tuesday, February 12, 2013
If I could be invisible for an hour I would choose to be at the cheesecake factory. The first thing I would do is eat some Mexican Sweet Corn Cake. It is my very favorite food! I would also try all of the different kinds of cheesecake for free! It would be perfect. When my hour is up, I am going to be in the parking lot in my car. It would look like I just got done eating. Nothing suspicious at all!
Tuesday, February 5, 2013
My Opinion
Schools should not ban these foods. Instead they should teach the kids about eating healthy. If you just take the snacks away, we can easily eat them as soon as we get out of school. If they teach why eating healthy foods is better kids can make the decision themselves. As kids we are more likely to eat healthier if we can make the decision rather than being forced to.
Tuesday, January 29, 2013
Monday, January 21, 2013
The definition of efficacious is efficient, productive. Martin Luther King JR. was very productive. He was very productive in the way he changed the way people thought.
Glass by Thompson Square We may shine, we may shatter We may be picking up the pieces here on after We are fragile, we are human We are shaped by the light we let through us But we break fast Cause we are glass I put this chorus because it is very deep, and it is very true! |
Monday, January 14, 2013
My Droid!
I am very addicted to my phone! I have my phone on me at all times, and if I do not know where it is I freak out. I do not know what I would do if I lost it or got it taken away. My phone is like my baby. I bought an extension cord so that my charger can be longer so that my phone can lay right beside my head at night. I do not think I need to something about this addiction. It is perfectly fine. If it gives me cancer I do not care. because my phone is worth the risk. My friend Kacey, thinks she is addicted to Nutella.
Tuesday, January 8, 2013
Do Homework
I usually do not make resolutions, but I will just for you Mrs. Waters. My first resolution is to start practicing patience. I will do this by trying not to blow up at people when they irritate me. My second resolution is to do my homework before it is due. I usually do not do my homework until five minutes before it is due. To accomplish this resolution I will do my homework at home the night before. My final resolution is not to fight with my sister as often. I get very angry with her very often, and make the whole house get into an argument. I will do this by just walking away instead of yelling and complaining to my parents. The resolution that will hardest to keep will be doing my homework the night before.
Mrs. Waters, you know how my break was. When you are reading this blog think about our conversation that we had Tuesday morning in your room before school. It was very eventful, and the story takes about 15 minutes to tell. I know that you are smiling because you are picturing me telling you the story.
Mrs. Waters, you know how my break was. When you are reading this blog think about our conversation that we had Tuesday morning in your room before school. It was very eventful, and the story takes about 15 minutes to tell. I know that you are smiling because you are picturing me telling you the story.
Monday, December 17, 2012
Make A Wish Foundation
If I had $100,000 to donate somewhere, I would donate to the Make A Wish Foundation. I would donate there because I want to help children make their wishes come true. The Make A Wish Foundation is a non-profit organization, and their only goal is to help children. These kids need help, and I would be privileged to help them. This foundation is a great way to do that.
Monday, December 10, 2012
Cherry limes
If cows did not produce milk, I would want them to produce cherry limeades. I do not like to drink very many things, but I do love a good cherry limeade. I do not know how the cow would get the little wedge of lime in it, but somehow it would happen. Actually thinking about it, it's OK not to have the wedge of lime, even though I do like the little lime. I do not know where we could get milk since the cow would not produce it, but it would be worth it to have cherry limes.
Monday, December 3, 2012
There are a lot of improvements that could be made to our school. One improvement that I would love is some kind of coffee shop! When we went to Randall for basketball they had a coffee shop in their cafeteria! This is a great idea because us kids stay up late sometimes, and when we get tired we could just go get some coffee. This is a great idea because we could stay up and focused in class. Plus, Mrs. Waters would love it! Since she is our favorite teacher we should do something to reward her.
Thursday, November 29, 2012
I had to ask my mom the last time I was truly mad. She said the last time I was mad was when we were on our way to Amarillo. I hate when people respond to mass massages that I am apart of. I mean really, take the time and start your own message. Well I was getting so many responses to this message that I did not care about. I was getting so angry I nearly threw my phone out of the window. Yes, I did over react, but my anger was justified. It was justified because people should not respond to mass messages.
Monday, November 19, 2012
Monday, November 12, 2012
Be thankful!
This past weekend I have realized that you really do not know what you have until it is gone. It is sad to think of all the things we take advantage of because we think they will be here forever. This weekend I found out things can be taken away in a flash and before you are ready.
#1- I am thankful for the time I had with my Papa. I had 16 years with him, and the rest of the grandchildren did not.
#2- I am thankful for love and support. Sometimes you just need people to be there for you during times like this.
#3- I am thankful for my family. They are there in the good times and the bad, and will love you no matter what.
#4- I am thankful for my friends. They have been there for me through all of this.
#5- I am thankful for Jesus. He provided us a way out. He sacrificed himself so that we could live eternally when we die physically here on this Earth.
#1- I am thankful for the time I had with my Papa. I had 16 years with him, and the rest of the grandchildren did not.
#2- I am thankful for love and support. Sometimes you just need people to be there for you during times like this.
#3- I am thankful for my family. They are there in the good times and the bad, and will love you no matter what.
#4- I am thankful for my friends. They have been there for me through all of this.
#5- I am thankful for Jesus. He provided us a way out. He sacrificed himself so that we could live eternally when we die physically here on this Earth.
Wednesday, November 7, 2012
If I was stranded on an island I would bring my dad. He knows a lot about the wild, and could probably help us survive. I would also take him because I am his little angel, his favorite daughter, and he could not live life without me! I would take a compass and the bible with me. The compass to guide me physically, but the bible to guide me spiritually. There is no need to bring a weapon because we could make those, or we could just eat plants. I also see people saying that they are going to bring their phone to use as a GPS, but little do they know the phone will be roaming. Therefor it will die fast, and there are no outlets on trees contrary to teens beliefs today.
Monday, October 29, 2012
The daughter got in trouble for getting fresh with her parents. In other words she was talking back and being snotty. I guess that the punishment she got was appropriate. They took away her phone, and I think that would of been the real punishment for me. The photos were just and added bonus punishment. I think that it was fine for the parents to post the pictures if they wanted. They are her parents they can punish her this way if they want to. My parents could do this to me, but I do not think it would be that big of a deal. Honestly, if I had photos like that of my parents, I would probably post them anyway to make them look retarded.
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
Hidden Talents
Talent:Noun a talent is a group of aptitudes useful for some activity, talents may refer to aptitudes themselves
My hidden talent is one that some may not consider to be a talent. If you are a girl you will understand that this is a talent. Some girls just can not do it. This summer I beat my own personal record of how fast I can get completely ready. I took a shower, shaved my legs, washed my hair, did my make-up, and got dressed in 23 minutes. I mean really, who can get ready that quick? I was shocked myself!
My hidden talent is one that some may not consider to be a talent. If you are a girl you will understand that this is a talent. Some girls just can not do it. This summer I beat my own personal record of how fast I can get completely ready. I took a shower, shaved my legs, washed my hair, did my make-up, and got dressed in 23 minutes. I mean really, who can get ready that quick? I was shocked myself!
Tuesday, October 16, 2012
I agree with the middle-grounders. There is no reason for teens not able to trick-or-treat if they are doing it for the right reason. If they are just going around and having fun there is no harm in it. On the other hand if the teens are being rough and rude to the other people they should be out. If they are running around and taking to much candy, or not being nice to the other kids they should not be allowed to do trick-or-treat.As long as everyone gets along and is respectful there is no reason that everyone should not be able to have fun.
Tuesday, October 9, 2012
Elementary, the best years, were made up of many memories. A specific memory that I remember happened when I was in Mrs. Covey's third grade class. Everyone remembers reading books to get AR points. Well, I wanted to be the first one to get my 200 points. Meanwhile Samm Reeves decided that he was going to read a Harry Potter book at home with no one knowing. That day, he tested over the Harry Potter book and got his 200 points. Needless to say I was very upset he got them before me. I was sitting by Chloe on Mrs. Covey's blue swing chair crying that he beat me. Well, Chloe goes and tells Mrs. Covey Samm made me cry. So Mrs. Covey made Samm apologize even though she had no idea what had happened. Mrs. Covey pretty much loved me.
Tuesday, October 2, 2012
My Three Pet Peeves
Pet Peeves- N. The things that people do that annoy you like no other.
1. My first pet peeve is when people look over my shoulder at my computer screen or my phone. If I wanted you to see I would invite you to look at it. It is not that I have anything to hide, but it just bothers me when people look at my things.
2.Another thing that annoys me is when people refer to themselves in third person. You are you! There is no need to refer to yourself using your own name. Use I and we it is that way in the English language for a reason.
3.Lastly, I hate it when people are always late. I think this bothers me so much because my mother is always running late, or makes me run late.
1. My first pet peeve is when people look over my shoulder at my computer screen or my phone. If I wanted you to see I would invite you to look at it. It is not that I have anything to hide, but it just bothers me when people look at my things.
2.Another thing that annoys me is when people refer to themselves in third person. You are you! There is no need to refer to yourself using your own name. Use I and we it is that way in the English language for a reason.
3.Lastly, I hate it when people are always late. I think this bothers me so much because my mother is always running late, or makes me run late.
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
Where am I?
I did not know I was doing anything wrong that night. It was dark and I had no idea where I was crawling. Suddenly I was stuck inside something and I could not find a way out. All of a sudden, the think I was stuck in began to move. This made me even more nervous, but I stayed calm because I thought it was going to get me out of there. What do I know anyway. I was stuck inside there forever! I did not think I was ever going to get out. Finally, on the best day of my life, this thing finally got me out of that horrible place. The way it got me out was not very kind or gentle. I felt like I was going to drowned, but it was all worth it when I got to go back to my web.
Thursday, September 20, 2012
Mom's life lesson
I have learned many lessons during my 41 years, but one important lesson I learned, is that you can't live your life for someone else. You cannot base your life decisions on what will make someone else happy. When you try to live your life to please other people you are going to have a hard time staying motivated and you will ultimately end up unhappy.
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
Life Lesson
A life lesson that I think is very good is the lesson of STOP WISHING, START DOING. I learned this while in athletics. You can not wish for a perfect record. You can not wish to be the best at something if you don't work for it. If you just wish for things they may never happen. You have got to go out and work for it. If you really want it you will work for it, not just wish for it. This is not always so wasy to learn. It does not happen in one day. You have to practice it, and learn how to work at something. I think this is a lesson that can be learned at any age. It really is not too hard when you think about it. So work hard, and believe in yourself. You will do things that you never thought you could!
Monday, September 10, 2012
Poor and Beautiful
If I had to choose between being poor and beautiful, or rich and ugly I would choose to be poor and beautiful. It's not because I want to be pretty on the outside. It is because I would want to be pretty on the inside. Some people that are rich are very ugly on the inside, and they have friends that just like them for their money. I would rather be poor and have true friends and a genuine heart, than have fake friends and never be happy. Money can not buy happiness.
Monday, September 3, 2012
One Week Down!!!
The first week of school was not all that interesting. It kind of seemed like we never left. Compared to last year I was not nervous at all. I was very tired at the end of the week. It was very busy. My schedule consist of getting out of athletics at 5:30. Mondays and Thursdays I have cheer leading at 6:30, Tuesday at 6:00 band, Wednesday church at 5:45, and Friday football games. This is going to be a busy year. I do not know if I am going to like Chemistry, but it could turn out to be fun. BIM is not all that fun either, but at least it is easy. All of the other classes were OK. I do not know what my favorite class is going to be. I guess time will tell. I looked forward to Friday all week because I was ready to cheer at the football game. We had a lot of fun at the game, and I am looking forward to this Friday! Overall things have been going pretty good.
Monday, May 7, 2012
Write a blog about your first year in high school.. Has it gone by fast or slow? Was high school what you expected?
Freshman year has come and gone. I can not believe how fast my first year in High School went by. It was a lot of fun, and was filled with learning. High School was different than I expected it to be. The first day of school I did not think I was going to pass. If the teachers were trying to scare us with their first day of school speech it worked. I am excited for the coming years in high school, and ready to do more things at Wellington High School.
Tuesday, May 1, 2012
Less is more
There is a lot of things that apply to this saying. One that I think of is homework. Less homework is better than more. Every kid on this planet hates homework. So hearing that you do not have homework or not a lot of homework just makes your day.
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
Monday, April 16, 2012
Dream Room
My dream room would be very calm and relaxing. It would have calm colors such as creme and light brown. It would have a roof that comes to a point like a triangle. It would be huge, and also have a big walk in closet. I would also have my own bathroom attached to the room. My bed would be dreamy. There would be twinkle lights and a chandelier dangling above the bed. Also there would be tons of storage, and enough space for a couch, chair, desk, and chair. It would be awesome if I could have this room. I would never want to leave!!!
Monday, April 9, 2012
Current Events
This is the 100th anniversary of when the Titanic sank. There will be a cruise that will retrace the path of the Titanic. They will even go over the exact spot the ship sank. There is 1,309 people aboard. This is the same amount of people that were on the Titanic. Music that was played on the Titanic, and the same type of food that was served on the ship will be on the cruise ship. They will have a memorial service on April 14 at 11:40 p.m. to mark the moment Titanic hit the iceberg. Many relatives of ones that were on the Titanic are now on the cruise ship to remember their loved ones that died on the Titanic. This is going to be very true to the actual Titanic experience, but minus the wreck.
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
Dear Coach Ashmore,
I would love to go see the Hunger Games on Friday. I think that we should be able to go because we put in our time in class and at home reading the book. We also have come to love the book, and we would love to see it in action. If the problem of going is because of money, I am sure that we could each come up with six dollars. We have worked hard in this class, and I feel that we should be rewarded for all of our hard work. Many of us loved the book so much that we finished it before it was assigned to be done. Many have also the second and third book in the series because we got into the book. Please think about allowing us to go see the movie on Friday!!!
Thursday, March 8, 2012
Dear Jordan,
You will be missed greatly. I love that I got to spend my off week of track walking with you and throwing the shot. It was really fun!!! You are a very funny person, and dress way cute!!! I hope that you come to love your new school. Track and basketball will not be the same without you.
Until next time,
You will be missed greatly. I love that I got to spend my off week of track walking with you and throwing the shot. It was really fun!!! You are a very funny person, and dress way cute!!! I hope that you come to love your new school. Track and basketball will not be the same without you.
Until next time,
Monday, March 5, 2012
Sleepy Sick Day
Whenever I am sick I usually want to lay in my parents room and take a LONG nap. I like to lay in their room because it is darker in there, they have a bigger television, and they have the DVR so I can watch things that have been recorded. During the day there is not many good shows on so I stick to watching recorded things. I do not like to be disturbed. I like to be home alone so that it is quiet and peaceful. Whenever I am sick there is nothing better than a nap because when I am asleep I do not feel quite as sick. It makes the sick day go by faster, and if I think about being sick while I am sick it just makes me feel sicker. The best thing to do is take a nap.
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
The Collingsworth County Livestock Show was January 28. This was the day that we had worked for. Cameron and I were so nervous because we did not want to disappoint our dad. Our goats could tell it was a big day I guess because you could tell that they were nervous too. Cameron's two goats, and my two goats were in the same class along with Matt Wilhelm's goat. Bama and Charles William were nice enough to show our other two goats. Of course I knew that I had the best goat in the class, but I did not want Cameron to feel bad so I kept it to myself. We walked into the show ring, and you could tell that the judge liked my goat. Five minutes later I got the blue ribbon. Right after that I had to go back into the ring to compete for Grand Champion. Short Stuff (my goat) was already tired and did not want to go back in. So we had a talk and he acted better. I told Cameron before I went in that I would try my hardest to win so that she could go in to compete for Reserve. It did not take long for the judge to decide that Short Stuff was the Grand Champion. Then Cameron went in and won Reserve. The Warren family was very happy. It was a wonderful, successful day!!!
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
All Alone
Today was the day that the owners of Rascal finally have had enough of all of his energy and mess. He had torn up the baby's blanket, Ate the soap, and scratched the couch. All of this amounted to Rascal being kicked out of the house. Rascal was scared but determined. Rascal went your to find some new friends. He could not find an animal that looked like him. Dogs, not a good mix. Skunks, too stinky. Finally after two days of looking he found an animal that sort of looked like him, a raccoon. The only thing that was missing was a black mask around his eyes. They made a deal, if Rascal could find a mask to blend in he could be in the group. Rascal searched all day, and he finally found some black mud. He precisely put the mud on as a mask. When he returned the racoons were pleased. Rascal now belongs somewhere again.
Monday, February 13, 2012
A Quick Thought
On a warm day Chubby just could not catch a break. His nose, leg, and butt were itching. Chubby quickly found relief for his nose and leg, but he could not find a way to scratch the other. Chubby was running out of ideas when he had the wonderful thought of scratching it on the fence. Soon Chubby realized this was the perfect solution. Every once in a while he would catch a splinter, but the birds would come and get it out. No one understood why the bird would want to do this, but only Chubby and the bird understood their unique friendship. Everything was good at the ranch for Chubby. The itches were gone, and Chubby was happy. Chubby's owners also got a good laugh every time they would look out the window and see Chubby scratching on the fence post.
Monday, February 6, 2012
A Fishing Trip Gone Wrong
Madison had been begging her daddy to take her fishing for three days. Finally it was the day that they were going to Lake Paul to go fishing. Madison was so excited she could hardly wait to see all of the magnificent fish. When they arrived Madison would not even stop to put on sunscreen. She was ready to go. When her daddy got everything ready to go Madison was already bored and hungry. Never the less they sat down to fish. Things got even worse when it was too hot for the fish to bite. They sat there for two hours and did not catch one single fish. When they loaded up to go home Madison was as red as a lobster. When they got home her daddy was in trouble for not putting sunscreen on Madison, and the entire family had to hear her complain for another three days.
Monday, January 30, 2012
Sight-The sights of magnificent fireworks in the dark sky.
Touch-The soothing touch of rabbit fur.
Sound-The sound of peaceful waterfalls.
Taste-The taste of sweet delectable sugared strawberries.
Smell- The smell of attractive boys wearing Hollister cologne
Touch-The soothing touch of rabbit fur.
Sound-The sound of peaceful waterfalls.
Taste-The taste of sweet delectable sugared strawberries.
Smell- The smell of attractive boys wearing Hollister cologne
Monday, January 23, 2012
It is usually hard for me to forgive. Whenever I set my mind on something I feel like that is the only way. If someone does not do something the way I think it should be done, or do something I do not agree with it is hard for me to forgive them. The statement "Not forgiving someone is like drinking the poison and waiting for the other man to die." means that whenever you do not forgive people it hurts you, not them. The person may not even care if you forgive them or not, but this grudge can hold you down. Yes, this is true in my opinion. The grudge affects the person holding it more than the person the grudge is against. A grudge is a weight on the holders shoulder. I know you should forgive easily, but forgiving is harder than it seems. Whenever we have a hard time forgiving we need to think of our Savior Jesus. He is the perfect example of forgiveness that we need to model ourselves after.
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
Fly on the Wall

Saturday, January 14, 2012
Thursday, January 12, 2012
Sparkleville is located at the end of a rainbow. My husband and I will rule the community. Only certain people can live them. You have to be happy and love sparkles. Only cute guys live and pretty girls. You wear bright colors and something that sparkles. People will grow to the age of 39 then they are moved to Blingtopia. If you get depressed you go to the sparkle pool to either get happy or leave. As long as you are dressed cute you are accepted. The sun always shines and it is always 85*.You have to shine as a person and love who you are. You will have one husband and one wife only. Three kids at the maximum, and everyone will be happy. You get to choose what you want to do, but if it is harming to Sparkleville you will be asked to leave. People will exercise so you can eat all of the wonderful food and not get fat. We are all going to look good, and we are going to have happy families!!!
Wednesday, January 4, 2012
Monday, December 19, 2011
Dear Santa,
I have been pretty good this year. At least good enough to get the good gifts!!! This year I would like a new North Face jacket, and some Sanuks size 8 please. This year has went by so fast, and I hope you have had time to get all of the presents put together. Be Safe!!! Do not text and sled!!!
Kelsey :)

P.S Please have my dream guy come find me underneath the mistletoe!!!
I have been pretty good this year. At least good enough to get the good gifts!!! This year I would like a new North Face jacket, and some Sanuks size 8 please. This year has went by so fast, and I hope you have had time to get all of the presents put together. Be Safe!!! Do not text and sled!!!
Kelsey :)

P.S Please have my dream guy come find me underneath the mistletoe!!!
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
My favorite T.V. show would have to be "Say Yes To The Dress." It comes on TLC channel 183. I like this show because I like to see what everyone picks. I like to give my own opinion on the dresses, and so does my dad. We watch it and critique the dresses together. I like to see all of the different dresses, and all of the different types of families that go to Kleinfeld. You never know how picky the entourage is going to be, or how unsupportive they will be. It is just all around a good show.
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
Worst Pain Ever!!!
The worst emotional pain I have ever endured was after a basketball game. We had just lost to Memphis in the District Tournament. What made the pain unbearable was that we should not have lost. If we had not went into the game cocky we probably would of stomped them. After the game we all went to our separate houses and balled our eyes out. About thirty minutes later all puffy eyed and sad we proceeded to the movies,watched Country Strong,and cried some more.
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Best Invention
The best invention ever was first created in 1830 by Barthelemy Thimonnier. It is the sewing machine. Without this invention the fashion world could not be where it is today. I love clothes, and if someone had not invented a sewing machine clothing would be very unattractive. Sewing machines have also made the process of making clothes much quicker. It takes a lot less time to use a sewing machine rather than doing it all by hand. Thank you Barthelemy Thimonnier for creating this wonderful invention!!!
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Goin to the 30's
If I could go back to a different era i would go to the 30's. I would be Shirley Temple, America's First Sweetheart. I would begin my film career in 1932 when I was only four years old!!! In 1934 I would be in the film Bright Eyes. I would also be a singer. I would capture the heart of America, and my name would live on forever!!!
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Whale Watch!!!
Question: Why were y'all so far out there?
Chloe, Haley, and I were out that far because we were trying to see how far we could get out there before it got dark. It was all apart of a game.
Q: "What happened out there, and what was going through your mind as those magnificent creatures came by you?"
I think we were so shocked that we did not even know what was happening. I was more scared after it happened because I realized what had just taken place. I can not even remember what I was thinking. Honestly I was probably not thinking anything.
Q:"Were you worried that you would be swallowed? Tell me who was with you out there?"
While it was happening, no I was not scared that I was going to get swallowed because I could not even think. After it was over I wanted to get out of the water so fast because I was scared they would come back and swallow me!!! I think my friends Haley and Chloe were ready to get back to shore also!!!
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
Captain Cupcake
If my friend was in prison for something they did not do I would have to go save them . My powers would allow me to turn into a cute baby girl dressed as a cupcake to distract the officers . You know that the officers would be distracted by a little harmless baby . I would pretend like I was playing with keys to the prison cell . Police officers would believe that I just wanted to play with the keys because that is what babies like to do . Then I would lasso them with my frosting gun and frost them to the wall . While they are still in shock I will go and unlock the cell, and escape from the prison with my friend .
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Drug Assembly
Yesterday's assembly was very good . I learned that you should NEVER text and drive . I also learned that make wise decisions because it only takes one second for your life to change forever!
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Celebrity Concequences
Celebrity's get too much special treatment . Whenever they break the law they probably are not even worried about it because they know they will get off easy . Celebrities always get a punishment that is fifty times easier than a normal person's punishment would be . If they want our Celebrities to be a good example then they need to treat them just like anyone else, and make them get their act together . Lindsay Lohan has to mop floors and clean toilets . Big deal people all around do that everyday because it has to be done. Celebrities get off way to easy, and as you can tell they never get anything out of it .
Thursday, October 20, 2011
My favorite Halloween memory is whenever Chloe and I dressed up as old ladies to hand out candy at my house. It was very funny because most of the kids really believed that we were old. My favorite ghost story is this. One night, these kids were coming home from a party and there was a cemetery about one block away from home. One kid was telling the others about a local legend. If you go and stand on the grave for ten seconds and stab a knife into it, a hand will grab you and pull you into the grave with the corpse. One girl was brave enough to do it for $20.00. She got a knife, walked to a grave, stood on it, and stabbed the knife into it. Suddenly, her leg felt heavy and she tried to pick it up, but something was grabbing HER! She was yelling and crying for help, but her friends thought she was kidding, so they just left. The next day, they found out that she had died, of fright. She thought that somebody was grabbing her, but the knife she was using had pierced her pants and held her there. It is so funny because it is so dumb. My three jokes are, Q.Why did the game warden arrest the ghost? A. He didn't have a haunting license.
Q.What happens when a ghost gets lost in the fog? A. He is mist.
Q. Why did the Vampire read the Wall Street Journal? A. He heard it had great circulation.
Q.What happens when a ghost gets lost in the fog? A. He is mist.
Q. Why did the Vampire read the Wall Street Journal? A. He heard it had great circulation.
Thursday, October 13, 2011
Whenever people think of me I want them to think that I was a girl that followed God in whatever way she could. A girl that was not scared to speak God's name. In the face of trial she did not lash out at people she ask God for help. I want to go on mission trips and teach people God's word. I will do these things by seeking and searching for God's plan for me. The song I posted above is the kind of legacy I want to leave.
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Worst Food EVER!!!!
I was at the wonderful Furr's in Amarillo last year with my Grannie. All I wanted was an exceptional chicken fried steak. As I was looking at all of the tasty food I stumbled upon what looked like a nice, well made chicken fried steak. I ask my Grannie, "Is this chicken fried steak?" she responded, "Looks like it to me." Secretly she knew what it really was. As I sat down at the table I put some ketchup on the "chicken fried steak" I cut into it and took a big bite. After a few bites I told my Grannie, "This chicken fried steak taste a little funny." With a mischievous grin on her face she responded, "Actually Kelsey, that is fried liver."I could not bring myself to look at the gross liver again. I have never looked at a chicken fried steak the same again.
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
I LOVE country music!!! That is pretty much all I listen to. I like it because they are mostly love songs. Many times you can relate to something in a country song. My favorite artist is Taylor Swift. In fact on October 14th I will be going to her concert in Lubbock!!! Right now I would have to say my favorite song is The Trouble With Girls by Scotty Mccreery. My least favorite song is My Kinda Party by Jason Aldean. My parents listen to country also. I like their music because I listen to the same songs. Usually my parents listen to music I like because I am usually driving and in control of the radio. Yes, they like my music my mom and I jam out all the time.
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Right or Wrong???
I think that society has crossed the line. They are introducing kids to many things that ten years ago would have been unheard of. They are pushing things that are unacceptable for children to even be around. If some movies would of been made ten years ago they would have been X rated, and now those movies are PG13. Society is teaching me opposite of what I have been taught by my parents. I do not think unethical things should be on TV much less win awards. It makes you think what will "Hollywood" see as acceptable ten years from now. Will I want my kids influenced by that???
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
This picture represents hope because this steel cross was found in the rubble of the World Trade Center. The cross was from World Trade tower One. This did not happen on accident. God had these two beams to stay together to show that even though a terrible thing happened to our country God was still there. The flag also represents hope because it showed all of the Al-Qaeda that they did not destroy our country! We are still standing strong!!!
Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Monday, August 29, 2011
Back To School
My first week of high school was not exactly what I expected. I have enjoyed being back with friends that are in other grades. I have also enjoyed Spanish. I thought that Spanish was going to be the worst subject, but I was wrong. I LOVE Spanish! I dreaded homework all week. I do not particularly like homework. My hardest subject is probably Algebra 2.
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