Thursday, October 20, 2011


My favorite Halloween memory is whenever Chloe and I dressed up as old ladies to hand out candy at my house. It was very funny because most of the kids really believed that we were old. My favorite ghost story is this. One night, these kids were coming home from a party and there was a cemetery about one block away from home. One kid was telling the others about a local legend. If you go and stand on the grave for ten seconds and stab a knife into it, a hand will grab you and pull you into the grave with the corpse. One girl was brave enough to do it for $20.00. She got a knife, walked to a grave, stood on it, and stabbed the knife into it. Suddenly, her leg felt heavy and she tried to pick it up, but something was grabbing HER! She was yelling and crying for help, but her friends thought she was kidding, so they just left. The next day, they found out that she had died, of fright. She thought that somebody was grabbing her, but the knife she was using had pierced her pants and held her there. It is so funny because it is so dumb. My three jokes are, Q.Why did the game warden arrest the ghost? A. He didn't have a haunting license.
Q.What happens when a ghost gets lost in the fog? A. He is mist.
Q. Why did the Vampire read the Wall Street Journal? A. He heard it had great circulation.

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